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Family Law Practice

Below is just a summary list of the legal issues our office addresses within the practice area called "Family Law.".

  Divorce (Dissolution of Marriage).
  Child Support.
  Child Custody.
  Parental Visitation Rights.
  Termination of Parental Rights.
  Juvenile Delinquency and other quasi-criminal law issues.
  PINS Cases (Persons in Need of Supervision).
  Child Support Modification (Typically based on "Change in Circumstances").
  Child Abuse - Neglect (Typically with Civil and Criminal Law implications).
  Grandparent Visitation Rights.
  Paternity Suits.
  Alimony Modification (Typically based on "Change in Circumstances").
  Spousal Abuse.
  Injunctions, Restraining Orders & Stay-away Orders.
  Alienation of Affection.
  Prenuptual Agreements.
  Any other Family Law legal issue not mentioned here.

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Syracuse, New York

Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

- Other times by appointment -

* Prior Case Outcomes
Defense Counsel's Speedy Trial motion to dismiss granted because Long Island DA failed to get case to trial within reasonable amount of time as required by law.
Defense Counsel's motion to dismiss granted because North Country Defendant was NOT prosecuted within the required Statute of Limitations time frame.
Motion to dismiss filed after Defense Counsel caught two State Troopers red-handed committing perjury during a preliminary hearing.
Bronx Felony charges dismissed and misdemeanor DWI reduced to minor "violation" after Defense Counsel demonstrated crucial defect in prosecution case.
Upon Defense Counsel's motion, Manhattan DWI case dismissed for violating Defendant's Speedy Trial rights.
Serious multiple felony drug charges reduced to single minor misdemeanor charge after Defense Counsel successfully challenged defective North Country Grand Jury proceedings.
Upon Defense Counsel's motion, Upstate DWI case dismissed for violating Defendant's Speedy Trial rights.
Defendant acquitted at trial of DWI & all related misdemeanor charges, after Defense Counsel catches arresting police officer committing perjury at trial.
Federal DWI charge reduced to minor violation (plea deal) after Defense Counsel challenged illegal Orange County police stop of Defendant.
Defendant acquitted at trial of multiple drug charges, after Defense Counsel catches 3 police officers committing perjury at trial.
Assault and Resisting Arrest trial convictions overturned on Appeal and Defendant acquitted, after Defense Counsel proved trial evidence did not support conviction.
Carrying Concealed Weapon on Airline Flight - Charges dismissed after Defense Counsel proves Defendant's conduct was NOT unlawful under controlling statute.