Below is just a summary list of the legal issues our office addresses within the practice area called "Family Law.".
Divorce (Dissolution of Marriage).

Child Support.
Child Custody.

Parental Visitation Rights.
Termination of Parental Rights.


Juvenile Delinquency and other quasi-criminal law issues.
PINS Cases (Persons in Need of Supervision).

Child Support Modification (Typically based on "Change in Circumstances").
Child Abuse - Neglect (Typically with Civil and Criminal Law implications).

Grandparent Visitation Rights.
Paternity Suits.

Alimony Modification (Typically based on "Change in Circumstances").
Spousal Abuse.

Injunctions, Restraining Orders & Stay-away Orders.
Alienation of Affection.

Prenuptual Agreements.
Any other Family Law legal issue not mentioned here.